7th Grade Health Assembly
According to our state Health TEKS, we are to cover some Health topics in the middle grades related to sexual health. This is a completely optional unit that requires parental permission. You can find a link to our state Health TEKS.
Our school has partnered with Youth Equipped to Succeed (YES) to provide information on relationships and sexual health. Through these programs, students are provided with research-based information on how to achieve optimal health and are encouraged to focus on their dreams and goals. Please join us for the Parent Presentation to preview what the students will see and receive tools and strategies for communication with your child.
The student program will be presented via TEAMS to students on January 31.
Youth Equipped to Succeed believes strongly in connecting students to positive messages and healthy relationships that will help them navigate cultural pressures. Through their programming, students of all ages, backgrounds, and circumstances are equipped with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills they need in order to achieve more healthy and successful futures.
To view an outline of the program content, please visit the Youth Equipped to Succeed website at: https://justsayyes.org/program-outlines/
Please fill out the google form by January 24, 2023, to indicate if you would like your student to participate or opt-out. Please contact Ms. Morgan Morton via email at MorganMorton@misdmail.org if you have questions about the date of the assembly or providing permission. Fill out the online permission form.