TAH 1st Day of School

Dear Howard Families,

Thank you for a wonderful first day of school. We were so excited to see students on campus! Some reminders:

We encourage students to check Skyward for the most up-to-date schedule. Due to new enrollments and balancing the numbers of classes, some schedules might have changed.

Dress code
Please review the dress code on page 44 in the Student Handbook. Dress code will be enforced.

Proof of Residency/Shot Records
The following documents must be completed to for students to attend class.

  • Returning student Online registration (register online in Skyward under Family Access)
  • Proof of residency turned in to the school (current utility bill – Gas, Water, Electric bills only!) No Disconnection notices!
  • Shot records up to date (7th grade shots required)

Students will use their student ID number in the lunch line. The lunch lines will move much faster if students know their student ID number. Please encourage your student to have their student ID number memorized or ready to reference as they go through the line.


  • Returning students who currently have MISD-issued devices will keep and continue using their devices at school and home.
  • Grades 7 and 8 will receive Chromebooks that will be utilized at school and at home if needed. Students new-to-district (or existing students who did not previously receive a device) in grades 7 and 8 can enter a student help desk ticket to request a Chromebook. Devices will be issued to students at their assigned campus beginning 8/26.

Optional Device Insurance for 1:1 Devices

Students in grades 3-12 are eligible to purchase optional device insurance to cover 1:1 devices. Enrollment begins 8/23 and will end on 9/17. With Chromebook coverage as low as $27/year, click the links below to learn more.

Keep in mind, as stated on page 11 of the Student Device Handbook, parents/guardians are responsible for the reasonable cost to repair or replace a 1:1 device that has been broken, lost or stolen. Optional insurance may assist with off-setting these costs should  your student’s 1:1 device become broken, lost or stolen.

Bus Riders
We looked up and reviewed bus assignments today on class; however, please double check your student’s bus assignment. Bus assignments can be found at Find My Bus.

Car Riders
Car riders will be dropped off and picked up in the front of the building. Please follow the traffic signs and arrows in the lanes.

Again, thank you for sharing your students with us. We look forward to a great year!

Erica Gorruso
T.A. Howard Middle School

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