Dear Howard Families,
Meet the Teacher Night is Monday, August 30 from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm. During this time, you will have an exciting opportunity to experience Howard the way your child does by following an abbreviated version of his/her class schedule.
In addition, the Annual Title I Parent Meeting will begin at 5:30 pm. The purpose of the Title I Annual Parent Meeting is to provide information to parents about the Title I program and parental involvement. A 10:00 am meeting has been scheduled for parents who are unable to attend the evening meeting. You will only need to attend one meeting.
During the event, PTA will be selling spiritwear and signing up parents for membership. Computers will be available for parents to use to create or reset their login on Skyward as well as apply for free or reduce lunch. Please make plans to be present. We hope to see you there! Click here for more details.
View the Howard newsletter for updates. Thank you for your continuous support and have a pleasant weekend.
Erica Gorruso
T.A. Howard Middle School
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