The Parent-School Compact is a written agreement between parents and teachers that outlines what families and schools can do to help children reach high academic standards. The compact helps us communicate to parents, students, and teachers Howard’s expectations and provides the documentation needed to meet parent involvement requirements. TAH Parent and Family Engagement Policy will also be distributed but not returned. Thank you for all that you do to enhance student success as we make positive parent connections.
Below are the procedures for the Title I Parent-School Compact/PE Policy distribution.
- Parent-School Compacts/TAH Parent and Family Engagement Policies will be distributed to your classes on Monday, August 23.
- Please distribute compacts/policy to students during 2nd period.
· Students will return compacts to their 4th period class/teacher.
· Please print a roster of your 4th period class and document those who have returned their forms.
o Please inform students that Compacts are due by Friday, August 27
· Class compacts along with your rosters indicating who has returned compacts are due no later than Tuesday, August 28th
· 100% of your compacts must be returned. We will provide extra copies for students who do not return compacts by August 24.
o We will continue to distribute compacts to you until all forms are returned.
· New students arriving after Monday, August 23 will complete compacts in the office.