TAH Update 9-16-21

Dear Howard Families,

Below are the updates for T.A. Howard.  Please plan accordingly.

Picture Day-Tomorrow, September 17
Friday, September 17 is picture day.  Please refer to the email sent from Lifetouch or click on the following link. Picture Day ID: EVTJWP9PW   Oder Pictures Here!

PTA Spirit Wear/Meeting
Click here to purchase spirit wear. The online store will be open until today, September 16 and will close today at 11:59 pm.
Howard’s PTA Meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 20 at 7:00 pm in the library.  Please mark your calendar and make plans to support Howard with your invaluable input.  You may sign up to join Howard’s PTA at the cost of $10.00 at any time.  The membership form is attached or you are encouraged to join PTA electronically via www.joinpta.org.  TA Howard PTA Membership Form 22021-22.pdf 

T.A. Howard Student Council is hosting “SOCK”Tember during the month of September.  Please donate NEW socks and have your child turn them in during their 4th period Advisory class. The advisory class with the most pairs of NEW socks donated each week will win a prize.  At the end of the month, there will be a grand prize winner

Student Holiday
Friday, September 24 is a student holiday.  Please mark your calendar and plan accordingly.

Family Night
Family Night is Tuesday, October 5 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Parents are invited to join us at the YMCA for a night of food, fun, and games with Howard’s teachers as they share academic activities with parents in a family friendly way. This year we will be partnering with Cross Timbers IS and Arlington YMCA during National Night Out. Come join us as we strengthen relationships with our students/families during this night of family fun.  See the flyer for more details.  NationalNightOut_2021_flyer_d2 (2).pdf    Click on the following links to register free items.  Register FREE Car Seat     Register Poison Prevention Workshop FREE Kit  Event Location: Arlington YMCA…7120 S. Cooper Street…Arlington, TX 76001

Parent-Teacher Conferences…October 7/8
October 7 and October 8 have been set aside for Parent -Teacher Conferences.  Conferences will be held after school on Thursday, October 7 and during the morning on Friday, October 8.  Conferences are scheduled by appointment only.  Please respond to the invite sent by your child’s teacher or call to schedule an appointment.  Thank you in advance for cooperation.

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences, October 07…4:30 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences, October 08…7:30 am -12 noon                          
  • Be reminded that parents may schedule a conference with their child’s teacher at a time and a day that is convenient for the teacher and parent throughout the school year.

Be safe and have a great evening.

Ramonia Bacon
Student and Family Engagement Specialist

Nathan Lowe
Student and Family Engagement Specialist, KOT, SEL

Follow Us on Twitter:  https://twitter.com/HowardMSknights

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